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What to Post on LinkedIn? Content Creation for your LinkedIn Profile

If you have your profile on LinkedIn either personal or business-related, the main concern would be content creation. If you are short of ideas regarding posts for your LinkedIn feed, here we suggest some of the best.

What to post on LinkedIn?

Video- Video comes first in our list because the generation today prefers visual content to a written one. The videos can contain any useful informative content. It need not necessarily be a lengthy one. Short videos of length 30-60 seconds are the most preferred, for, the message is conveyed precisely.   

Image- Images may be varied. But don’t limit it to festive posts and uplifting quotes. Try to post simple banners of statistics, trends, research and surveys, one point at a time.   

Infographics- People love to read content in the form of infographics. This visual mish-mash of information through graphics is easily absorbed by the viewers. It may be a short crisp explanation of your product, service, trends, uses or any other information.   

Your thoughts- Write about your experiences and make more use of the word ‘I’. Such a first-person post feels natural and instantly connects with the audience.

New product launch- Keep your viewers informed of every new product or service launch so that they are tuned to the happenings in your business.

Feature enhancements- Feature enhancements in your products make your viewers believe that you constantly work to make your services better. These posts help you to grow your network and get the right connections in business.

Team- Photos of your team at work, meetings, conferences, work engagements- these showcases the work culture in your office. Allow a sneak peek into your company culture. It sends a positive signal to your potential clients as well as future employees.   

Achievements- The best employee award of the month, special achievements of your team and company are to be posted on LinkedIn. The intention is not to brag about the achievements but to be proud of it. It helps to connect with your network as responsible employers.  

Live streaming- Accessible only on request, this new feature on LinkedIn is a boon to businesses to grow their customer base. You can live stream any of your new product launch events, conferences or plan any live series like discussions and interviews.

Article on LinkedIn- If you are a pro in any topic, share some useful information and tips on it. The audience will connect to you for more of such relevant information. It not only grows your customer base but also wins their trust.

Blog links- You can share links of your website blogs so that your connections get to know about the company’s products/services. In addition, it will earn you backlinks and clicks.

Third-party content- If you are tired of posting content about your business, try to share links of third-party content related to your business. This will let out the signal that your company is invested in the future and you stay updated with the latest advancements in your field.


In any social media profile, engagement is necessary through consistent postings. These are the ways that help you to stay connected with your connections on LinkedIn. For more on digital marketing and social media posting, you can contact an expert digital marketing agency near you that will help you in getting more viewer engagement and conversions.  

What is your strategy to get viewer engagement on LinkedIn? Share your opinion with us.